WeSellAnyBiz is a sales platform where buyers and sellers engage online to buy and sell businesses. Sophisticated online platform built using the latest technology.

The Concept
The concept to figure out a way of connecting business sellers with business buyers. Realisation that business sales is a quite extensive work talking to buyers and sellers and arranging viewings, sending each other documents, etc.
So what was needed was a website that would connect the sellers and buyers and they communicate with each other instead of intermediately being involved in each sale.
Wesellanybiz.com which allows business owners to list their business for sale and connect directly with potential buyers. The platform also allows franchisers to advertise their franchise business to potential franchisees.
Current Perfomance
We have experienced a huge number of businesses being listed and a lot of visitors visiting the platform. Since launch in May 2020, over 50 million pounds worth of businesses have been listed and sold.
Potential Growth
Our next phase of launch would be to have dedicated websites for UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA. The development work has already started and should roll out one by one within next year.